jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012
Lago de Maracibo y Lago de Valencia y el Guaire.
Lago de maracaibo y lago de valencia.....
Da lastima esterarse de las condiciones en que se encuentran estos lagos, que son o eran, inmensas fuentes de agua dulce para todo.
en el lago de maracaibo la situacion es mas compleja. primero, habria que ver como se hace para eliminar el envio de tanqueros desde dentro del lago por la barra de maracaibo para el golfo y fuera del pais, pues habria que llevar todo el petroleo a puertos que esten fuera del lago. como primer paso. luego, dejar de dragar el canal de navegacion de manera que se llene de tierra y lodo, para asi evitar el ingreso inmenso de agua salada al lago que la va haciendo salobre y no dulce, con estas acciones solo el tiempo arreglara la calidad del agua, pues la cantidad de rios que caen al lago lo haran mas dulce, la segunda accion es el saneamiento de las cloacas, mataderos, etc. que vierten sus desechos en el lago, contaminando el agua del lago.
el asunto de atender a estas cosas para el lago de maracaibo es fundamental para su recuperacion. por otro lado hay un senor que se llama gilberto rodriguez, que ha escrito varios libros sobre como se encuentra el lago y como remediar sus problemas deberian de leer sus libros y seguir sus consejos.
el lago de valencia. este pobre lado ha sido y es continuamente contaminado con toda clase de componentes cantaminadores, como cloacas, quimicos, desechos toxicos de plantas, etc. es necesario tomar una accion seria para eliminar la contaminacion de este lago, pues sus rios, que son 22, lo sanearian pronto, creo que tiene 22 kilometros de costas tambien. el lago esta creciendo de tamano, pues cuando uno llega y atraviesa el tunel de la cabrera se da cuenta que el lago ya casi llega al puente que esta a la salida hacia valencia. no se si esta es la razon por la cual usan el aliviadero para meter agua del lago al sistema de agua potable de valencia, contaminado asi todo el agua del sistema que surte la ciudad. da lastima esto. hay que tomar acciones, si los valencianos y los zulianos no se alzan y hacen fuertes reclamos no se hara nada y todo seguira igual de mal. Ademas este es un problema nacional, nos estamos metiendo en una situacion grave de putrefaccion, pues hay muchos pueblos y ciudades, incluyendo caracas, que sus aguan no son tratadas en la totalidad y lo que hacen es contaminar las aguas de los rios, el guiere por ejemplo desemboca en el mar en las mercedes de paparo, si te banas alli encontraras en el agua, anime, plasticos, vasos, botellas, etc, que llegan alli gracias a la desembocadura del guaire a traves del otro rio y la corriente como viene de oriente te empuja todo hacia el occidente de la desembocadura del rio tuy, que lamentable situacion y no parece mejorar, pues no se escucha de obras de esta naturaleza para el pais, o sea cada dia estamos mas llenos de porqueria.
atentamente, nestor g ramirez
Petrobras Campos Basin unit to hit 90% efficiency by 2016
August 1, 2012
Source: Petrobras
Petrobras will earmark US$5.6 billion to increase to 90% the operating efficiency of its mature fields in the Campos Basin Operating Unit (UO-BC) by 2016. First quarter 2012 data show that the operating efficiency index at the fields connected to this unit are currently at about 72%.
The information was disclosed in a presentation of the Program for Increasing Operating Efficiency in the Campos Basin (PROEF) made by executive managers for Exploration and Production, Solange Guedes and Erardo Gomes Barbosa Filho, and by the general manager for the Campos Basin Operating Unit (UO-BC), Joelson Falcão Mendes.
The resources foreseen include investments and funding, including US$500 million as part of the expenditures already provided for under the Company's 2012-2016 Business and Management Plan. Returns are expected to add up to US$1.6 to US$3.3 billion (calculated based on the NPV - net present value).
The Campos Basin Operating Unit's operating efficiency indices, which had been 89% in 2009, dropped to 71% at the end of 2011. By 2016, the PROEF aims to increase that rate to 90%.
Operating efficiency is a ratio of what is produced on a given day and the potential under optimal conditions. "We are operating in a mature and complex basin, which has been under construction since the 1980s, with declining production. What this program aims to do is increase the efficiency of the operations in the area, because if we don't do that, production will decline further," said executive manager Solange Guedes.
Executive manager Erardo Gomes Barbosa Filho said "the resources are intended to recover efficiency, both of the production platforms and of the subsea systems and wells."
Concerning the area covered by UO-BC, general manager Joelson Falcão stressed that there are 31 platforms in operation in the area covered by the program, and it accounts for about a quarter of the company's production, about 450,000 barrels, in mature Campos Basin fields.
Solange Guedes said that these "are pioneer assets, such as Garoupa, for example, when we took our first steps in water depths above those that we had been used to working in, and they make up our mature assets, discovered before the large Marlim Sul and Roncador accumulations were found, for example."
Petrobras has operations managed by three Operating Units in the Campos Basin. In addition to the UO-BC, UO-Rio and UO-Espírito Santo also have activities in the region. Marlim Sul and Roncador Marlin, for example, are operated by UO-Rio and are not part of the PROEF.
The information was disclosed in a presentation of the Program for Increasing Operating Efficiency in the Campos Basin (PROEF) made by executive managers for Exploration and Production, Solange Guedes and Erardo Gomes Barbosa Filho, and by the general manager for the Campos Basin Operating Unit (UO-BC), Joelson Falcão Mendes.
The resources foreseen include investments and funding, including US$500 million as part of the expenditures already provided for under the Company's 2012-2016 Business and Management Plan. Returns are expected to add up to US$1.6 to US$3.3 billion (calculated based on the NPV - net present value).
The Campos Basin Operating Unit's operating efficiency indices, which had been 89% in 2009, dropped to 71% at the end of 2011. By 2016, the PROEF aims to increase that rate to 90%.
Operating efficiency is a ratio of what is produced on a given day and the potential under optimal conditions. "We are operating in a mature and complex basin, which has been under construction since the 1980s, with declining production. What this program aims to do is increase the efficiency of the operations in the area, because if we don't do that, production will decline further," said executive manager Solange Guedes.
Executive manager Erardo Gomes Barbosa Filho said "the resources are intended to recover efficiency, both of the production platforms and of the subsea systems and wells."
Concerning the area covered by UO-BC, general manager Joelson Falcão stressed that there are 31 platforms in operation in the area covered by the program, and it accounts for about a quarter of the company's production, about 450,000 barrels, in mature Campos Basin fields.
Solange Guedes said that these "are pioneer assets, such as Garoupa, for example, when we took our first steps in water depths above those that we had been used to working in, and they make up our mature assets, discovered before the large Marlim Sul and Roncador accumulations were found, for example."
Petrobras has operations managed by three Operating Units in the Campos Basin. In addition to the UO-BC, UO-Rio and UO-Espírito Santo also have activities in the region. Marlim Sul and Roncador Marlin, for example, are operated by UO-Rio and are not part of the PROEF.
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